QI Project Registry

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QI Project Registry "Access Request" Form

Quick Links
When signed in, you will have options specific to your respective QI Project Registry account, where you can:

Add/Register Your Projects
Review/Update Your Registered Projects
Search/View Other Registered Projects


Contact I-QIPS Team

Note: QI Project Registry data elements are informed by and modified per the Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE 2.0 Guidelines).

What is the QI Project Registry?

The QI Project Registry, focused specifically on quality improvement (QI) and patient safety initiatives, is operated by the Institute for Continuing Professional Development in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (I-QIPS) at Baylor College of Medicine.

This web-based application is designed as a centralized registry and QI project tracking tool for healthcare professionals, who are or have interest in leading or participating in QI activities conducted at the College or an affiliated institution, to develop, manage, and showcase their improvement projects, as well as to discover and learn about other registered projects being conducted by their colleagues.

For example, BCM and affiliated faculty, fellows/advanced trainees, and staff can use the QI Project Registry to:

  • Develop, track, showcase personal QI projects. Users register their QI projects through a guided format, following a streamlined and systematic approach with QI methodologies, to manage, track, and showcase their projects through its project lifecycle. Users and other associated team members may access their registered projects to view, update, and track progress.
  • Explore, learn about, request participation in other registered QI projects. Users may view registered QI projects, as well as contact the respective Project Leads to inquire about participating in specific projects of interest.
  • Track and document QI project data required for maintenance of certification (MOC) credit submissions.
    Physicians and physician assistants, who wish to earn MOC Part 4 credit/points or NCCPA Category 1 PI-CME credit, respectively, through the BCM MOC Program for their engagement in qualified QI activities, are expected to use the QI Project Registry to manage and track/document the progress of their improvement projects.

    All QI activities for credit consideration must be registered and updated/maintained in the QI Project Registry, which is also used by the BCM MOC Program for tracking/documenting various submission requirements for credit consideration.

Who Can Use the QI Project Registry?

The QI Project Registry is open to members of the Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) community, including those associated with BCM-affiliated institutions. Development of additional components and features is ongoing. A QI Project Registry User Guide is available for reference as needed.

Posting Research Projects for BCM Students

While the QI Project Registry is designed specifically to serve as a centralized resource and project tracking tool for quality improvement and patient safety initiatives being conducted at Baylor College of Medicine and its affiliated institutions, the Student Opportunities for Advancement in Research (SOAR) Office is available to support medical and health professions students interested in pursuing research opportunities offered at the College and its affiliates. The SOAR Office administers the SOAR Database, which is a simple-to-use, searchable database containing projects offered by BCM faculty to students. Projects cover a wide area of research/specialty topics and span basic, translational, clinical, and quality improvement research.

If you wish to post a project for students on the SOAR Database, access the database here and click on ‘My Projects’ to get started. Additional instructions on how to post a project are available on the SOAR website. If you have questions about posting a project listing, or student research compliance requirements, please contact the SOAR Director, Mabel Perez-Oquendo, PhD.

QI Project Registry Account

Use your QI Project Registry account to:

  • Add/Register your QI projects
  • Review/Update your registered QI projects
  • Search/View other registered QI projects being conducted at the College or its affiliated institutions

If you have not already done so, sign in to access your account (use your BCM ECA credentials where prompted).

You must be signed in to access the QI Project Registry – Use your BCM Enterprise Computing Account (ECA) Credentials when prompted. If you do not have (or are uncertain whether you have) a BCM ECA, submit a QI Project Registry “Access Request” Form (link provided above) to request access to the QI Project Registry.
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