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QI Project Registry - User Guide

Ready to Get Started?
Sign in to access the QI Project Registry (use your BCM ECA credentials where prompted).

No BCM ECA? Submit QI Project Registry "Access Request" Form.

Quick Links
When signed in, you will have options specific to your respective QI Project Registry account, where you can:

Add/Register Your Projects
Review/Update Your Registered Projects
Search/View Other Registered Projects

Contact I-QIPS Team

Brief Overview
What is the QI Project Registry?

Designed and operated by the Institute for Continuing Professional Development in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (I-QIPS) at Baylor College of Medicine, the QI Project Registry is a web-based application designed to help health professionals across the College and its affiliated institutions to:

  • develop, track, showcase personal QI projects;
  • explore, learn about, request participation in other registered QI projects; and
  • track and document QI project data required for MOC Part 4 or NCCPA Category 1 PI-CME credit submissions*.

Note: The QI Project Registry data elements are informed by and modified per the SQUIRE 2.0 Guidelines (Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence: revised publication guidelines form a detailed consensus Process. Ogrinc G, Davies, L, Goodman D, et. al. BMJ Qual Saf 2016; 25:986-992. Doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2015-004411).

*To learn more about opportunities and requirements for earning MOC Part 4 or NCCPA Category 1 PI-CME credit for your QI project, contact the BCM MOC Program.

Who Can Use the QI Project Registry?

The QI Project Registry is open to members of the Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) community, including those associated with BCM-affiliated institutions (faculty, staff, trainees). The development of additional components and features is ongoing. A QI Project Registry User Guide is available for reference as needed. The contents of the User Guide is listed below, along with access to a downloadable version.

User Guide Contents

Downloadable User Guide (pdf) available here

Last Updated: 03-05-2021