Becoming a QI Coach

For questions, please contact the I-QIPS Team


QI Coach Applications for AY 2024-2025 are closed. Applicants will be contacted directly regarding selection decisions.

To be notified when applications are open, subscribe to receive I-QIPS news and announcements. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the application process and requirements described below. Those who do not meet the stated eligibility criteria, are encouraged to consider completing the Certificate for Added Qualification in Healthcare Improvement Program, prior to submitting a QI Coach Application.

SAVE THE DATE - Required Training for New QI Coaches

New QI Coach Training & Orientation
Required for new QI coaches. Current coaches also welcome.

Presenter: Anthony Ecker, PhD
Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Format: Live/In-Person
Availability: Closed Session - For New and Current I-QIPS QI Coaches Only
Location: John P. McGovern Campus, Conference Room TBD | 2450 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77021

This session is closed to new and current I-QIPS QI coaches only. All new coaches must complete the session prior to assisting with any I-QIPS activities. Current coaches are also welcome to attend the session as a refresher. Session attendees will be contacted directly with meeting details.

Note: Attendance at the session qualifies as one of two Faculty Development Sessions required of QI Coaches for AY 2024-2025. Attendees should complete the Attendance Sign-In Form provided at the start of the session to record their attendance.


The Institute for Continuing Professional Development in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (I-QIPS) serves to train faculty, support innovation, and promote scholarship in quality improvement and patient safety.

As part of this initiative, the I-QIPS seeks qualified candidates to serve as QI coaches for faculty, trainees, and/or project teams involved in QI-related activities being conducted across the College and its affiliated institutions, including Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center, Baylor Scott & White Health, Children's Hospital of San Antonio, Harris Health System - Ben Taub Hospital, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Menninger Clinic, Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Houston, TIRR Memorial Hermann, and Texas Children's Hospital.

Getting Started

Interested in Becoming a QI Coach?

The Role of QI Coach

A QI Coach assists the I-QIPS by coaching and mentoring teams and/or trainees conducting improvement projects at their respective clinical site. QI Coaches may be assigned to provide small-group coaching during training courses offered by the I-QIPS, with more experienced QI Coaches also assigned to provide customized coaching to trainees/I-QIPS learners between course sessions.

All QI Coaches receive faculty development training from the I-QIPS to advance their improvement capability and continually enhance their skills in successfully coaching and facilitating individuals and QI project teams, while also supporting in parallel the implementation of improvement strategies being conducted throughout the College and affiliated institutions.

Further, qualified I-QIPS QI Coaches may be invited to participate as course facilitators (e.g., master teacher, course faculty, instructor) for select QI training courses, depending on their indicated interests and observed/demonstrated levels of experience.

Participation Requirements

The primary nature of a QI Coach's role is in providing coaching and guidance to individuals and/or project teams engaged in QI education, innovation, or research projects.

By submitting a QI Coach Application, the applicant is confirming their commitment to ALL participation requirements, as follows:

  • Ongoing Training: Per academic year, attend at least 1 - 2 faculty development sessions offered by the I-QIPS.

    Note: All new I-QIPS QI Coaches are also required to attend a I-QIPS QI Coach Training/Orientation Session prior to participating as a QI Coach for any I-QIPS QI training course.

  • Personalized Coaching: Per academic year, provide personalized coaching to I-QIPS learner(s), as assigned.

  • Workshop Coaching: Per academic year, provide workshop coaching/course facilitation for at least one (1) training course offered by the I-QIPS.

  • Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Complete Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosures upon request by the BCM Division of Continuing Professional Development (DCPD).

    To prevent any eligibility issues with participating in a course, each QI Coach/Course Facilitator is responsible for ensuring their timely and complete submission of any requested disclosures by their respective deadlines.

    In collaboration with the DCPD, continuing education (CE) credit is offered for select QI training courses provided by the I-QIPS. For this reason and in alignment with ACCME reaccreditation requirements, all individuals with coaching and/or teaching/course facilitation responsibilities for any I-QIPS training course must have a current COI Disclosure on file with the DCPD prior to the start date of any course with which they will be assisting.

Application Process and Eligibility Criteria

I-QIPS QI Coaches are selected via a formal application process. When applications are open, a "Call for Coaches" announcement is posted above, as well as announced through various communication venues across the College.


In order for an application to be eligible for consideration, it must be fully complete at the time of submission, received by the designated application deadline, and from a qualified candidate.

Qualified candidates include those who: 1) have completed a FORMAL QI PROJECT (from conception through implementation) AND 2) who meet at least one (1) of the following conditions:

  • Have at least one (1) year of PROVEN EXPERIENCE in coaching or consulting individuals or project teams on improvement projects

  • Have successfully completed FORMAL QI TRAINING (intermediate-level to advanced-level training required). For example, the successful completion of the following I-QIPS QI training courses would satisfy this requirement: QI Jump Start course (intermediate level) and/or the Leading Healthcare Improvement (LHI) course (advanced level). Successful completion of the Advanced Quality Improvement (AQI) Program offered by Texas Children's Hospital also may be considered.


If you currently do not meet the stated eligibility criteria, please consider postponing your QI Coach application and apply for the next offering of the I-QIPS QI Jump Start course. The application deadline and additional information for this intermediate-level QI training course are provided on the QI Jump Start course page.


Interested candidates who meet the criteria described are considered eligible to submit an application. However, the criteria serve only as a general guideline. Please be advised that meeting the noted criteria does not guarantee application selection.

Eligible applications are carefully considered through a holistic review process. Many factors are considered and taken into account when evaluating each application, including its assessment in the context of the entire applicant pool.