QIPS Scholar Award

For questions, contact: I-QIPS Team

Applications Closed

Applications are now closed for the QIPS Scholar Award.
Applicants will be contacted directly regarding selection decisions.


The QIPS Scholar Award serves to recognize the commitment and active involvement of BCM faculty and staff in quality improvement/patient safety (QI/PS) projects conducted within the College and/or affiliated institutions. Further, it identifies those who have made substantive contributions in one or more areas of QI/PS scholarship and innovation.

Receiving the award can support one's candidacy for promotion with an emphasis in quality improvement/patient safety.

Application Guidelines


In order to submit an application, ALL of the following requirements must be met:

  • You must be a current faculty or staff employee at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) or a BCM-affiliated institution.
  • You must demonstrate in your award application your sustained involvement in Quality Improvement or Patient Safety domains.
  • You must have at least five (5) years of quality improvement/patient safety (QI/PS) experience at BCM or a BCM-affiliated institution.
  • You may self-nominate for the award. However, your nomination must be approved and confirmed by your section chief, chair, medical director, or center director via the Nomination Letter (see "Submission Components" below).

BCM faculty or staff with QI/PS experience can receive a QIPS Scholar Award by demonstrating contributions in one or more of the following QI/PS scholarship areas:

A. Clinical QI Application - Implementation, Dissemination, and Impact Assessment of a Healthcare Innovation
B. Teaching and Coaching - Education, Training, Coaching, Mentoring, and Development of Enduring Educational Products
C. Administrative Leadership - Guideline and Policy Improvement, Formal Leadership in Quality Improvement or Patient Safety
D. QI Scholarship - Research and Scholarly Products

Note: A QIPS Scholar Award recipient may receive the award more than once. A new nomination may be submitted any time after five (5) years since their previous award.


Information to Exclude: As you prepare the application components listed below, please keep in mind that NO submitted items should include any patient letters (current or historical letters, notes, cards, or documents from patients/patients’ family members), regardless of any redaction made to personal information.

However, it is acceptable to include historical letters or documents that have been received in the past from nurses, trainees, and/or employees/staff. Applicants will be required to ensure and attest that any such support letters or documents do not contain references to any patient information or identifiers AND that any personal information related to peers or colleagues have been redacted.

A complete QIPS Scholar Award Application should include all six (6) submission components listed below. The items should be saved as separate Adobe PDF files and uploaded to the QIPS Scholar Award Application for submission.

1. Nomination Letter*
The nomination letter should be from your section chief, chair, medical director, or center director.

Note: You may self-nominate for the award. However, your nomination must be approved and confirmed by one of the above individuals via the Nomination Letter.

2. Letter(s) of Recommendation* (maximum 3 letters)
The letter(s) of recommendation should be from providers, institutional leaders, consultants, administrators, and/or community leaders. Further, the letter(s) should reflect diverse viewpoints, describing your QI/PS excellence from a variety of perspectives.

Note: Each letter should be saved as a separate Adobe PDF file for submission. The Nomination Letter and a Letter of Recommendation cannot be provided by the same person.

*Nomination Letter & Letters of Recommendation:

Applicants are required to obtain and upload their Nomination Letter and Letter(s) of Recommendation to their QIPS Scholar Award Application. To ensure that these items are received in time to meet the application deadline, you are encouraged to solicit the letters as soon as possible. Only complete applications will be reviewed.

3. Personal Statement (500-word limit)
The personal statement should reflect your QI/PS expertise.
4. Curriculum Vitae
The CV should be current and presented in BCM CV format.
5. Healthcare Improvement Portfolio
The Healthcare Improvement Portfolio serves to reflect your excellence in QI/PS and should be prepared using the provided portfolio template.

Note: The submitted Healthcare Improvement Portfolio should be complete, with NO sections left blank. The portfolio will be used for rating and should be able to stand alone. For example, no reference statements, such as "please refer to CV" or "please see Personal Statement," etc., should be used in any section in lieu of an actual response. Incomplete portfolios may not be considered.

6. Supporting Material (10-page limit)
The supporting material should provide documentation of the activities described in your Healthcare Improvement Portfolio.

The QIPS Scholar Award is criterion-based. Each application will be evaluated per the QIPS Scholar Award Selection Rubric.

An application must be complete and submitted by the indicated deadline in order to be considered. A complete application should include all six (6) of the submission components listed in the section above.

The QIPS Scholar Award Application is comprised of the noted submission components (6 elements), all of which should be uploaded to the application form for submission.

Each submitted application is assessed via the following review process:

  1. A preliminary review of the application is conducted to ensure it meets the eligibility and submission criteria.
  2. The application is assigned to a primary, secondary, and tertiary reviewer.
  3. During a panel meeting, the reviewers present the application and propose initial scores, based on established criteria. Following a discussion, all members of the Review Panel score the application.

    A successful applicant is one for whom at least 75% of the reviewers score their application at 80% or higher and for which the average of all reviewer scores is 80% or higher.

Ready to Apply?


Review the eligibility criteria for the QIPS Scholar Award to ensure that you meet the stated requirements to apply for the award.

Review the list of submission components for details regarding the requirements for each element.

All six (6) elements should be uploaded (as separate Adobe PDF files) to your QIPS Scholar Award Application for submission.


  • Nomination Letter & Letters of Recommendation: Applicants are required to obtain and upload their Nomination Letter and Letter(s) of Recommendation to their QIPS Scholar Award Application. To ensure that these items are received in time to meet the application deadline, you are encouraged to solicit the letters as soon as possible. Only complete applications will be reviewed.
  • Information to Exclude: Submitted items should NOT include any patient letters (current or historical letters, notes, cards, or documents from patients/patients’ family members), regardless of any redaction made to personal information.

    However, it is acceptable to include historical letters or documents that have been received in the past from nurses, trainees, and/or employees/staff. Applicants will be required to ensure and attest that any such support letters or documents do not contain references to any patient information or identifiers AND that any personal information related to peers or colleagues have been redacted.

Use the below button to access the QIPS Scholar Award Application. The application must be complete and submitted by the indicated deadline in order to be considered.

Note: Upon accessing the form, you will be asked to create a User ID and Password, which will allow you to save and return to your work throughout the submission period. Unless you select the "submit" button at the end of the form, it will not be submitted for review. An automated confirmation notification will be displayed when the form is submitted successfully.


When completing the QIPS Scholar Award Application, you will be required to upload all six (6) submission components.

Each element should be uploaded to the application as a separate Adobe PDF file for submission.