Leading Healthcare Improvement - Spring 2022

For questions, please contact the I-QIPS Team


All applicants for the Spring 2022 course offering have been notified regarding application decisions.

More information about the course, including eligibility requirements and CME, is available on the course overview page.

Course Resources

BCM Blackboard

For accepted/enrolled course participants only. To access the BCM Blackboard platform for this course, select the button below and enter your BCM ECA Credentials on the "BCM Users" log-in page when prompted.

Blackboard is best accessed via Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Course Schedule

UPDATE: Revised Learning Environment

Effective January 2022: Due to ongoing COVID-19 health considerations, this course offering has been transitioned to a virtual learning environment. At this time and until further notice, all scheduled sessions will meet virtually via video-conference. Enrolled learners have been notified directly and provided with Zoom access instructions. Should conditions change during the term of the course to allow for in-person meetings, some of the subsequent sessions may be transitioned back to a classroom environment. Enrolled learners will be notified accordingly of any such updates.


  • Session 1: Tuesday, 01-25-2022 - Generate Urgency
  • Session 2: Tuesday, 02-15-2022 - Build Teams and Communicate Vision
  • Session 3: Tuesday, 03-08-2022 - Solve Problems
  • Session 4: Tuesday, 03-29-2022 - Celebrate Victories
  • Session 5: Tuesday, 04-19-2022 - Build Momentum and Embed Change
  • Session 6: Tuesday, 05-10-2022 - Additional Feedback and Coaching

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Course Format: Virtual

Course Availability: For enrolled course participants only

Location:  Course sessions to be conducted via video-conference, until further notice.

Attendance Policy

Due to the interactive nature of the course, with each session building upon content and discussions from previous sessions, learners are required to attend and actively participate in ALL sessions, in order to remain in the course. Course attendance is incorporated into the grade structure for the course; as such, learner attendance at each session is documented and tracked.

Attendance rosters, along with other course requirements (including but not limited to timely submission of assignments and completion of required course assessments), are reviewed regularly by I-QIPS leadership, and email notifications may be sent to any learners who appear not to have signed in for a session (see Required Course Assignments & Evaluations below).

Attendance Sign-In Instructions

Attendance records are based on the Attendance Sign-In Sheet collected for each session. Learners are solely responsible for ensuring that they have completed the Attendance Sign-In Sheet for EACH session they attend. Learners who sign in are recorded as being present; all others are recorded by default as being absent.

Required Course Assignments & Assessments

Assignments: Throughout the course, learners are expected to complete and submit (on time) all homework assignments (also referred to as pre-work assignments) by the respective deadlines, as well as to arrive to each session on-time, prepared to present and discuss their completed assignments. Doing so will help to enhance and facilitate robust discussions during the sessions.

As part of the coursework, learners will complete a LHI Project Template, as well as develop a Poster and Abstract, featuring the work-in-progress (WIP) status of their improvement project. Learners are expected to update and refine these items throughout the course/after each session, based on the content, discussions, and feedback received from the sessions. Additionally, with each session, the learner will be moving their project a step closer toward its implementation in their clinical area at the College and/or an affiliated institution, through the application of the quality improvement principles and tools discussed during the sessions. At the end of the course, learners are expected to present their in-progress work during the final session, finalize and submit their LHI Project Template, Poster, and Abstract, and complete all required course assessments. More information to be provided during the course. 

QI Project Registry: At the start of the course, learners are expected to register their improvement projects with the I-QIPS QI Project Registry and to maintain regular project updates in the QI Project Registry throughout the term of the course. More information will be provided during the course sessions.

Assessments: The following assessments are required for the course and must be completed by all learners: Pre-Course Assessment, Post-Course Assessment, Outcomes Assessment (administered about 3-4 months after the conclusion of the final session). Each assessment typically takes about 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

Note: Throughout the course, learners are asked at the end of each session to complete a Speaker Survey to assess the faculty who conducted the session, as well as the content presented. Comments are collected anonymously, and it typically takes 2 - 3 minutes to complete. The feedback provided by the learners are used to improve the sessions and overall course, and the speaker ratings are included in letters provided to the faculty for inclusion in their educational portfolios. For this reason, learner participation in these surveys are greatly appreciated!

Course Completion Certificate: A Course Completion Certificate is awarded, at the discretion of I-QIPS Leadership, to each eligible course participants, serving to confirm their satisfactory completion of all course requirements. A learner's eligibility is impacted by attendance, level of participation during session discussions, and on-time assignment submissions and assessment completions throughout the course. Eligibility decisions are made only after the I-QIPS has received all course requirements (including all assessments) across course participants.

Note: Refer to the LHI course overview page for a full description of course expectations and the requirements/criteria for course completion.

Poster Presentation

After completing the course, learners are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract to an academic conference of their choosing to present their improvement project, and to notify the I-QIPS (contact email listed below) of their accepted presentation. 

Additionally, learners are invited to attend the conferences listed on the Education page. Unless otherwise noted, there typically is no fee to attend; however, registration is required.

For questions, please contact: I-QIPS