This is a closed offering of the QI Jump Start course. All applicants for the Spring 2020 course offering have been notified regarding application decisions.
More information about the course, including eligibility requirements and CME, is available on the course overview page.
For accepted/enrolled course participants only. To access the BCM Blackboard platform for this course, select the button below and enter your BCM ECA Credentials on the "BCM Users" log-in page when prompted.
Blackboard is best accessed via Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
For accepted/enrolled course participants only.
If needed for designated course assignments, select the button below for IHI access instructions.
03-17-2020: In accordance with current BCM guidelines and recommendations, the dates for the remaining course sessions have been revised and are reflected below.
04-09-2020: The remaining course sessions will be transitioned to a virtual learning environment, as indicated below; no in-person/classroom sessions will be conducted. All pre-work assignments should be submitted PRIOR TO each session, as indicated by their deadlines noted on Blackboard. Course participants will be notified directly with information regarding the virtual sessions.
In order to remain enrolled in the course, learners must attend and actively participate in all workshop sessions, as scheduled below, as well as complete and submit on time all homework assignments, as described in the Required Course Assignments section below.
Location: John P. McGovern Campus, OS-186 | 2450 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77021
Course Availability: For enrolled course participants only
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
04-09-2020: In alignment with the Attendance Policy indicated below, all learners attending a virtual session MUST continue to SIGN IN at EVERY session to ensure that their attendance in the session is documented and recorded. In lieu of a paper sign-in sheet, a virtual sign-in process is in effect while the virtual sessions are in progress.
Virtual Sign-In Process: At the start of each virtual session, learners should: 1) COMPLETE the Meeting Registration for the respective virtual session, AND 2) ENSURE that their full name is displayed on the Participants list posted at the start of (and throughout) the virtual meeting. The displayed Participants list from each virtual session will be used to confirm attendance.
Any inquiries or assistance with technical issues should be directed to the email listed below.
Due to tracking requirements of the I-QIPS, learner attendance is strictly documented and tracked by the sign-in sheet provided at each session. In order to ensure that their attendance is recorded for a given session, learners MUST SIGN IN at EVERY session and do so on the Attendance Roster (paper sign-in sheet) provided at the start of each session.
Attendance Rosters are reviewed regularly by the I-QIPS leadership, and automated email notifications are sent to any participant whose signature is missing from a roster.
Throughout the course, learners are expected to complete and submit (on time) all homework assignments (also referred to as pre-work or pre-session assignments), as well as arrive to each session prepared to present and discuss their completed assignments.
As part of the coursework, learners will complete a QI Project Template, as well as develop a Work-In-Progress (WIP) Poster and Poster Abstract, featuring their improvement project. Learners are expected to update and further refine these items throughout the course/after each session, based on content and discussions (as well as feedback received) from the sessions. The WIP Poster should feature the improvement project that the learner worked on during the course, which they also will be implementing in parallel in their clinical area at the College and/or an affiliated institution through the application of the quality improvement principles and tools discussed during the sessions.
At the end of the course, learners are expected to submit (by the designated deadline) final versions of their QI Project Template, WIP Poster, and Poster Abstract, as well as to present their in-progress work during the final session. More information to be provided during the course.
Please refer to the QI Jump Start course overview page for a full description of course expectations and the requirements for completing the course.
After completing the course, learners are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract to an academic conference of their choosing to present their improvement project, and to notify the I-QIPS (contact email listed below) of their accepted presentation.
Additionally, learners are invited to attend the conferences listed on the Education page. Unless otherwise noted, there typically is no fee to attend; however, registration is required.
For questions, contact: